Saturday, January 19, 2008

And Now Ve Vait.....

Sorry I didn't write in the blog yesterday but it was a "hair-raising " day all day. We were told the tax number would finally be ready that morning and it wasn't. After 6 days of hearing "And Now VE Vait" I thought I was going to lose it. We waited until about 3:00 and were finally told it's ready. We rushed to the office, then to the orphanage to grab Kol, and finally to the passport office. It really felt like we had just reached a milestone even though there's still a wait for the actual passport. They told us originally to wait 10 business days but we slid them some money under the table and hopefully we'll see it Tuesday. So "And Now Ve Vait".

I visited the orphanage this morning in hopes of taking Kol to McDonalds for a Happy Meal and Maury something other than Borsht. Unfortunately, the caregiver working today wouldn't allow me to take Kol and she didn't speak English nor I Russian so I stayed there. The kids were a bit wild this morning and I really couldn't get any "quality" time with Kol. There were a few of the children that just returned from being hosted in Italy and it was great to see them again. I haven't seen them since Kim and I were here in early December. It's funny because they've picked up a little Itallian while gone. Little Anina says "Ciao" when I leave now....too cute!!!

As I was on my way to the Internet cafe I see throngs of people walking towards the river. Of course I had to go see what they were doing and I stood on a bridge looking over the festivities. It turned out there was a Mass held and a blessing of the water. People take water home with them and it cures whatever ails them. I stood there for 30 minutes waiting until I couldn't feel my feet any more. As I walked off I looked like one of "Jerry's Kids" because my legs wouldn't work. I don't remember ever being so cold!!!!!

I'm so ready to come home I can't believe it. I had bought a large bottle of Tobasco for the trip and left it at home. That really hurt, I was looking forward to spicing up the food here. The good thing is I'm losing weight....

And Now Ve Vait.....

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