Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Count Down!!!!

It is our last full day in Sumy. We have enjoyed several days of beautiful white snow and frigid temperatures (17 one day). The white snow made everything bright and beautiful. It covered up the gray-dingy buildings, streets and sidewalks. We even noticed a few people washing their cars (yep, in the snow). However, today, the snow has melted and it is raining. Sumy’s true colors reveal themselves when the snow is gone – the gray HAS returned!

Maury has a stomach virus and is sick in the bed – poor guy. We haven’t spent this much time together since… well, ever! I think he is using it as an excuse to take some time to himself!! HA

I visited Kolya this morning. We have started a bad habit of allowing one or two of the kids to come to the ‘play/visit room’ with us during Kolya’s visit. We thought it was a good thing because it allows them to spend almost ‘one-on-one’ time with adults – which is unusual for them. However, now if they are not the one picked for the day, they cry and beg…. it is heartbreaking.

Our plan this evening is to take Vera, Kolya and Elizabeth to the pizzeria for some good greasy pizza – that should bring Maury’s tummy back to normal (ha). Kolya gets to ride in a car (machina). I am sure he will be excited.. When a car drives by the orphanage window he yells, “machina, machina”… he loves them. I know he will be excited to get out of the place for an evening. I am sure Vera and Elizabeth will love the experience too. I cannot imagine that they have an opportunity to go out to eat much – not with a family income of $1200 a year.

Karmon and Elizabeth have been emailing each other. They are a lot a like – both kindhearted and good girls. We are trying to figure out how to get Elizabeth to the US for a visit. If everything works out, maybe she can come during the summer.

Vera, Elizabeth’s mom, has become like family. She acts like my sisters and is a refreshing reminder of home. I cannot understand a dang thing she is saying but she is so expressive that I usually can figure it out. We asked her what she dreamed of… via Elizabeth, she told us that her dream is for her daughter(s) to go to the US and visit and for her to go scuba diving (we told them Maury scuba dives). She is such a cool person – hopefully ALL of her dreams will come true one day!!

I am SOOOOOO happy to be on the downhill slide to home. Tomorrow we will go to court, drive to Kiev (about a five hour or more drive) then fly out of Kiev Thursday then home on Friday (boy that feels great to be able to say). My work family and all of our friends of been great about keeping us up-to-date on LSU football (geaux tigers!!- Kyle is sooooo excited) and other events. Thanks, we really appreciate that – it is always nice to hear from y’all.

Artie, thanks for sending the info to Margaret telling me how to spell borscht (heck, just like it sounds!!) Margaret, look out for a new Camp Fern camper next year that can’t speak an ounce of English!!

We love you all and will see you in a few days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kim, Maury and Kol

1 comment:

TexasSwede said...

Does this mean that everything is set now? Will Kolya be coming with you? That's such an awesome Christmas gift for both him and you. Is he nervous about the trip?
Can't wait to hear all the details about the trip...